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Black Hole

Black Hole


HOOK -- Old limerick 8/0.
TAG -- Gold twist, purple and dark claret floss.
TAIL -- A topping with a narrow strip of purple tip gallena quills.
BUTT -- Black herl.
BODY -- Black floss.
RIBS -- Purple floss with fine silver oval tinsel at both sides.
HACKLE -- Gallena elver hackle without blue tips.
THROAT -- Speckled blue elver hackle.
WINGS -- 4 pairs of peacock pheasant eye feathers back to back. The size decrease towards the head. Narrow ,married strips of bustard, argus and purple swan along side of the upper edge of the wing. Topping over all.
CHEEKS -- Small jungle cock.
FEELERS -- Red macaw.
Gallena elver hackle is short, so wind it from 3rd spiral of the tinsel. To make the wing, choose four different sized peacock eye feathers to show each eye completely. Tie narrow married wing above the peacock wing to make a good curve. The length of red macaw for the feeler is not so long.
AuthorKen Sawada
DresserKen Sawada
SourceClassic Salmon Fly Dressing



HOOK -- 8/0 Old limerick.
TAG -- Silver wire, blue and dark claret floss.
TAIL -- Married narrow strands of blue macaw. gallina and dark blue swan.
BUTT -- Black herl.
BODY -- One third, silver oval tinsel butted with black herl and veiled above and below with impeyan pheasant small black feather. Remaining two thirds, black floss.
RIBS -- Blue floss with fine oval silver tinsel at both sides, wound on the silk only.
HACKLE -- Gallina blue elver hackle on the silk.
THROAT -- Gallina speckled hackle.
WINGS -- Two speckled gallina feathers back to back for under wing. Over this, many fine strands of black and white speckled bustard are thrown into the gradation married wing made of lavender to dark blue.
CHEEKS -- Speckled gallina with purple lorri over.
HORNS -- Amherst pheasant tail.
ウイング:まず、スペックルド・ガリナの模様の美しい羽根を使ってアンダー・ウイングを作って結ぶ。この上に、ラベンダーとダークブルーに染めたバスタードのファイバーで構成したグラデーションに、黒白のスペックルド・バスタードのファイバーをちりばめたウイングを作って結ぶ。 1 2 4
Make the married strands for the tail. Make two pairs of married strands of two blue swan fibres and a married strands of two gallina fibres. Put the gallina between the blue swans. Also put a blue macaw fibre each between them and at the both outermost. Then marry them and tie. For the wing, tie a speckled gallina with good markings as the under wing. Make the graduated married wing with lavender and dark blue bustard fibres set with speckled bustard fibres according to the following colour combination table. Then tie them.
AuthorKen Sawada
DresserKen Sawada
SourceClassic Salmon Fly Dressing



HOOK -- Old limerick 8/0.
TAG -- Silver wire and claret floss.
TAIL -- A topping with married strands of dark blue and gallena.
BUTT -- Claret herl.
BODY -- 1st. Blue floss ribbed with fine gold oval tinsel and veiled above and below with topping. 2nd. Many small bluebird feathers tied towards the head.
THROAT -- Gallena dyed blue over claret hackle.
WINGS -- Graduated married strands from red to claret, argus pheasant thrown in and married.
CHEEKS -- Bluebird feather and scarlet macaw feather over. Three or four toppings over all.
FEELERS -- Married strand of red macaw and blue macaw.
TAIL -- : スワンとガリナのファイバーを2本ずつマリーしたものを2組用意し、さらにマリーして結ぶ。
BODY -- : 2分割してから、最初の半分にブルー・フロスを巻き、細めのゴールド・オーバルでリブを作る。小型のトッピングで上下にベールを作る。残りの半分には小さなブルーバードのフェザーを、シャンクから生えているように縛りつけてボディを覆う。
Wing: スカーレットとクラレットの2色のファイバーを使ってグラデーションを作り、その中にアーガスをちりばめてからマリーして結ぶ。
Horn : レッドとブルーのマコウのファイバーをマリーした状態で結ぶ。
Make the tail. Make a pair of married strands of two swan and gallina fibres each and marry them. When making the body, divide the body into two. Around half the front of the body, tie many small bluebird feathers lik sprouting up from the shank. The graduated married wing is structured by the fibres of the following colour combination table.
AuthorKen Sawada
DresserKen Sawada
SourceClassic Salmon Fly Dressing



HOOK -- Old limerick 8/0.
TAG -- Silver wire and narrow embossed gold tinsel.
TAIL -- A topping with a little of ibis and blue macaw.
BUTT -- Black herl.
BODY -- Scarlet floss.
RIBS -- Light blue floss with fine silver oval tinsel at both sides.
THROAT -- Light blue with scarlet over.
WINGS -- 6 toppings, some narrow strips of light blue and scarlet fibres between each topping.
CHEEKS -- Small jungle cock.
HEAD -- Black herl.
When make the rib, wind a broad floss putting it between spirals of fine oval.
AuthorKen Sawada
DresserKen Sawada
SourceClassic Salmon Fly Dressing



HOOK -- Old limerick 9/0.
TAG -- Silver wire and yellow floss.
TAIL -- A topping, Indian crow and a chatterer.
BUTT -- Dark blue herl.
BODY -- Darkish blue floss ribbed with medium gold oval twist butted with dark blue herl, veiled with toucan above and below. No.2 darkish blue floss ribbed with broad embossed tinsel and oval silver.
HACKLE -- Same colour as body wound on front half only.
THROAT -- Bright orange followed by blue peacock breast feather.
WINGS -- From bottom to top, using yellow, light orange, dark orange, scarlet, crimson and claret dyed bustard, making a beautiful gradation. And these slice of quills are inserted to the back ground of which made of light blue, lavender purple and dark blue quills. A topping over all.
CHEEKS -- Indian crow or substitute.
HORNS -- Red macaw.
Wing: グラーデーション・マリード・ウイング。各色に染めたバスタードのファイバーを順にマリーする。
Feeler: 長めのレッド・マコウをセミサイドから伸ばす。
Make the graded married wing using bustard fibres dyed each colour. The order of the colours is shown in the colour combination table as follows. The long red macaw of the horn is tied at a little to the side.
AuthorKen Sawada
DresserKen Sawada
SourceClassic Salmon Fly Dressing
Dream Tactics

Dream Tactics


HOOK -- Old limerick 8/0.
TAG -- Silver wire and light blue floss.
TAIL -- A topping, ibis, tippet and blue macaw.
BUTT -- Black herl.
BODY -- Gold embossed tinsel.
RIBS -- Double oval silver tinsel, lavender floss between them.
HACKLE -- Light blue.
THROAT -- Guinea fowl dyed orange.
WINGS -- Two pairs of golden pheasant tippet back to back as a ranger fashion enveloping two pairs of extending jungle cocks. A topping over.
SIDES -- Married strands of blue macaw, argus pheasant and white bustard dyed dark blue.
CHEEKS -- Jungle cock.
HORNS -- Red macaw.
Side Wing: 2分割してから結び、マリーするとよい。
Cheek: サイドを隠さいないように小さめのジャングルコックを用いる。
A variation of Scarlet Tactics. To tie the very wide side wing, divide this side into two parts, tie them each, and then married them again. Jungle cock of the cheek is small so that this particular side wing can be showed well.
AuthorKen Sawada
DresserKen Sawada
SourceClassic Salmon Fly Dressing



HOOK -- Old limerick 7/0.
TAG -- Silver twist and ruby floss.
TAIL -- large and small yellow edged parrot feat A topping and few fibres of blue jay.
BUTT -- Black herl.
BODY -- Divided into four. Dark claret floss ribbed with silver oval tinsel. Every joint has a black herl butt and veiled with a tip of blue jay hackle above and below. The fourth veilings form cheeks and throats. From tail to head, sizes of jay feathers increase.
WINGS -- Make gradation married wings. From bottom to top, lilac, lavender and dark blue. Two toppings over all.
HORNS -- Red macaw two strands on each side.
HEAD -- Black herl.
BODY : 4分割したあとに、それぞれのセクションにダーク・クラレットのフロスを巻き、シルバー・オーバル・ティンセルで全体に均一にリブを作る。黒のハールでバットを作り、バットの部分に上下にブルー・ジェイのベールを4組結ぶ。
Wing: ライラック、ラベンダー、ダーク・ブルーのファイバーを使ってグラデーション・マリード・ウイングを作る。
Horn: 2本のレッド・マコウをサイドから長く伸ばす。
AuthorKen Sawada
DresserKen Sawada
SourceClassic Salmon Fly Dressing



HOOK -- Old limerick 9/0.
TAG -- Silver wire, blue floss, gold twist, blue floss.
TAIL -- A topping with blue fibres of gallena neck feathers.
BODY -- Silver flat tinsel.
RIBS -- Light orange and blue floss side by side with oval gold tinsel at both side of floss and between them.
HACKLE -- Light blue from the 2nd turn to the head, yellow from the center of the body.
THROAT -- Hot orange and blue neck feather of gallena over.
WINGS -- Lower half: married narrow strips of white tip black turkey, green red, light blue, yellow, light orange and orange swan or bustard. Upper half: married strips of lavender, light claret, light green, purple, pink, claret swan and amherst pheasant.
CHEEKS -- Large light blue chatterer with pink base.
FEELERS -- Blue macaw.
HACKLE : ライトブルーのハックルをリブの2回転目からヘッドまで巻き、次にイエローをボディの真ん中から同じくヘッドまで巻く。ライトブルーとイエローが途中で合流して微妙な色彩となる。
Wing: Lower halfのマテリアルのファイバーをそれぞれ2本ずつマリーし、次にUpper Half のファイバーを1本ずつ順にマリーする。最初にLower half の部分を縛り、次にUpper Halfの部分とマリーさせて、最後に全部を縛る。
Two colours of each hackle are merged on the way to the head and make a fine tone. To tie the wide married wings, the first, marry each two fibres for the lower part of the wing and next marry each one fibres of the upper part in order. Then tie the lower part, marry this with the upper and finally tie them all.
AuthorKen Sawada
DresserKen Sawada
SourceClassic Salmon Fly Dressing



HOOK -- Old limerick 8/0.
TAG -- Gold twist, light olive and green floss.
TAIL -- A topping with few strands of red macaw and green parrot.
BUTT -- Black herl.
BODY -- Brown floss.
RIBS -- Green floss with fine gold oval tinsel at both side.
HACKLE -- Green from the second turn.
THROAT -- Few small toppings, argus pheasant leopard hackle over.
UNDER WINGS -- Mixed married strands of black turkey, argus pheasant, claret and dark blue swan.
WINGS -- Mixed married strands of bustard, white tip black turkey, black-white bustard, florican, speckled florican green and dark red swan.
CHEEKS -- Dark blue-green metallic small feather.
FEELERS -- Blue macaw.
Under Wing: ブラック・ターキーとアーガス、クラレットとダークブルーに染めたスワンのファイバーをマリーし、2分割してから結んで最後に再びマリーする。
Wing: バスタード、ホワイト・ティップ・ブラック・ターキー、ブラック・ホワイト・バスタード、フロリカン、スペックルド・フロリカン、グリーンとダーク・レッドに染めたスワンのファイバーをマリーして結ぶ。それぞれのファイバーを規則正しく並べる必要はない。
Feeler: ブルー・マコウをサイドに結ぶ。
To tie the wide under wing, divide this wing into two parts, tie the lower part first and marry them again. Regarding the main wing, the order of fibres to marry is at dresser's direction. The blue macaw for the feeler is tied at a little to the side.
AuthorKen Sawada
DresserKen Sawada
SourceClassic Salmon Fly Dressing
Evening Star

Evening Star


HOOK -- Old limerick 8/0.
TAG -- Gold twist and lavender floss.
TAIL -- Two toppings, blue chatterer and purple chatterer.
BUTT -- Black ostrich herl.
BODY -- First half, peacock blue neck feathers butted black herl and veiled with small toppings above and below, remainder purple seal's fur.
RIBS -- Fine oval gold on the first half, medium oval silver and gold tinsel side by side on the second half.
HACKLE -- Dark blue on the seal's fur.
THROAT -- peacock blue neck and two or three small toppings over…_
WINGS -- Under wing - double jungle cocks. Over them married sheath of dyed bustard. From bottom to top, bright light blue, lavender and very dark blue. The quills should be divided into fine strips to make a beautiful gradation. Two toppings over all.
CHEEKS -- Small jungle cock and yellow toucan undertail feather over.
FEELERS -- Amherst pheasant over two toppings.
Wing: アンダー・ウイングに3本のジャングル・コックを結ぶ。その上にブライト・ライト・ブルー、ラベンダー、ベリー・ダーク・ブルーのファイバーで構成したグラデーション・マリード・ウイングを作って結ぶ。ウイングの上側をトッピングでカバーする。
Feeler: アムハースト・フェザントの短いものをトップに結ぶ。
AuthorKen Sawada
DresserKen Sawada
SourceClassic Salmon Fly Dressing
Exotic Fantasy

Exotic Fantasy


HOOK -- Old limerick 8/0.
TAG -- Silver wire and lavender floss, in equal parts.
TAIL -- A topping with strands of ibis, florican bustard and dark blue swan.
BUTT -- Black herl.
BODY -- Gold tinsel.
RIBS -- Scarlet floss with fine oval silver tinsel at both sides.
HACKLE -- Purple wound on front two thirds of the body.
THROAT -- Heron dyed claret, gallena dyed claret over.
Under WINGS -- Married fine strands of lavender swan and gallena. Blue macaw strand inserted in every side of them.
Main WINGS -- Purple swan and claret swan. The former sharing lower half. White tip black turkey thrown in and married.
CHEEKS -- Small scarlet flamingo feathers above and below.
FEELERS -- Red macaw.
HACKLE : メイン・ウイングの作るカーブと上下対称的なカーブを作るようにする。
Under Wing: ラベンダーに染めたスワンのファイバーを2本用いたスライスを3−4組、またガレナのファイバーを2本用いた同様のスライスを3−4組作る。これらを交互に組み合わせてマリーするが、各スライスの間にブルー・マコウのファイバーを1本ずつ入れていく。
Main Wing: パープルとクラレットのスワン、ホワイト・ティップ・ブラック・ターキーのスライスを使ってウイングを構成する。下半分がパープル・スワン、上半分がクラレット・スワン。その中に黒白のはっきりしたターキーのスライスをちりばめる。ファイバーを細かく分けないようにすると、力強く印象的なウイングの模様が現れる。
Cheek: 小さいスカーレット・フラミンゴを上下対称に結ぶ。
The shape of two curves of the main wing and the hackle are symmetry. For the under wing, make 3 or 4 slices made by 2 fibres of lavender swan and the same slices by 2 fibres of gallena and then marry them mutually including a blue macaw fibre between each of them. The main wing is structured by purple swan of the lower part and claret swan of the upper part set with slices of white tip black turkey with clear markings. Use a little wide slice of each to give a vivid impression. Small scarlet flamingo feathers for the cheek are tied symmetrically above and bellow.
AuthorKen Sawada
DresserKen Sawada
SourceClassic Salmon Fly Dressing



HOOK -- Old limerick 8/0.
TAG -- Gold twist and deep orange floss.
TAIL -- A topping and a tip of hot orange hackle.
BUTT -- Black herl.
BODY -- Divided into 4 sections. 1st, deep orange floss, 2nd black floss, 3rd, hot orange seal's fur, 4th, black seal's fur.
RIBS -- Broad gold tinsel.
HACKLE -- Hot orange wound on seal's fur only.
THROAT -- Himalaya pheasant red speckled feather.
WINGS -- Two pairs of brown neck lorri under tail, two pairs of black with yellow edge feather over. The sizes of the first pair of them are twice of the second approximately. Topping over all.
CHEEKS -- Small jungle cock.
FEELERS -- Macaw Red.
TAIL : トッピングと細くて長いホット・オレンジのハックル・ティップを結ぶ。
Wing: 大きさの異なる黒にオレンジ・エッジのパロットとイエロー・エッジのパロットを2ペアずつ結ぶ。それぞれ、2組目が1組目のほぼ半分くらいの大きさになるように選ぶ。
Feeler: 短めのマコウ(レッド)をトップに結ぶ。
Tie a topping and a tip of narrow and long hot orange hackle for the tail. The wing is structured by large and small orange edged parrot feathers and large and small yellow edged parrot feathers. The large one is as twice as the small. And tie short red macaw for the feeler right overhead.
AuthorKen Sawada
DresserKen Sawada
SourceClassic Salmon Fly Dressing
Falling Star

Falling Star


HOOK -- Old limerick 8/0.
TAG -- Silver wire and purple floss.
TAIL -- A topping, few dark blue strips and a tip of glans pheasant dark green feather.
BUTT -- Black herl.
BODY -- Three fifth silver tinsel, remainder black seal's fur.
RIBS -- Fine silver oval on the seal's fur.
HACKLE -- Dark blue on the seal's fur.
THROAT -- : Gallena.
WINGS -- Two long jungle cock feathers back to back extending just inside of the tail. Then 4 pairs of dark green glans pheasant feathers back to back. The sizes of the pairs decrease towards the head. Between each feathers, jungle cock feathers are inserted in. The sizes of them also decrease towards the head. Narrow married strips of lavender, dark blue swan and argus pheasant along side of top of the wing. Two toppings over all.
CHEEKS -- Small jungle cock.
HEAD -- Silver twist.
BODY : 2/5にシルバー・ティンセル、残りの部分に黒のシールス・ファーを巻く。ティンセルのボディをなるべく細く作る。
Wing: ジャングル・コックの長さを調節してウイングの中に流れ星のイメージを作る。2本のトッピングの中に、細いアッパー・ウイングを挟んで結ぶ。
When make the body, wind the tinsel firmly to make the body slender. Coordinate the sizes of jungle cocks to show them like falling star in the wing. Tie the narrow married strips holding it between two toppings.
AuthorKen Sawada
DresserKen Sawada
SourceClassic Salmon Fly Dressing



HOOK -- Old limerick 8/0.
TAG -- Silver wire and purple floss.
TAIL -- A topping with married strands of claret and gallena.
BUTT -- Black herl.
BODY -- 1st. Claret floss ribbed with fine gold oval tinsel veiled above and below with topping. 2nd. Many small scarlet macaw or parrot feathers tied towards the head.
THROAT -- Guinea fowl dyed claret over purple hackle.
WINGS -- Graded married strands from lavender to dark blue, argus pheasant thrown in and married. 4 toppings over all.
FEELERS -- 2 strands of red macaw each.
CHEEKS -- Red macaw and bluebird feather over.
Feeler: 2本のレッド・マコウをマリーしたまま、セミサイドから伸ばす。
A variation of Bluebird. To make feeler, marry two strands of red macaw and tie it at a little to the side.
AuthorKen Sawada
DresserKen Sawada
SourceClassic Salmon Fly Dressing
Fuzzy Fantasy

Fuzzy Fantasy


HOOK -- Old limerick 8/0.
TAG -- Silver wire, lemon yellow and light blue floss.
TAIL -- A topping dyed scarlet and two of Himalaya pheasant spotted feather.
BUTT -- Black herl.
BODY -- One third yellow floss then claret, grey and black seal's fur in equal portion.
RIBS -- Light blue floss with fine oval silver at both sides.
HACKLE -- Claret, grey and black heron hackles wound on the same color of the body towards the head.
THROAT -- Peacock blue neck, over dyed blue heron.
WINGS -- Mixed and married fine strands of light claret, light blue, light orange, lilac, yellow, dark orange, lavender, claret, lime, dark red and dark blue swan, amherst, dark turkey and argus pheasant tail.
SIDES -- Peacock blue neck and small tip of spotted himalaya pheasant.
TOPPING -- Short crest feather dyed scarlet.
BODY : よくピックアウトする。
HACKLE : ヘロン・ハックルの各色がよく混ざり合うようにする。
Wing: 各マテリアルのファイバーの数を少なくして、特定の色調をもたないように配慮してマリーする。幅の広いウイングなので、2分割して結んでから再びマリーするとよい。
Pick out the body well. Mix every colour of heron hackles together. To make the chaotic married wing, use very few fibres of each strand. To tie this wade married wing, divide it into two and tie the lower part. Then marry it with the upper part and tie.
AuthorKen Sawada
DresserKen Sawada
SourceClassic Salmon Fly Dressing



HOOK -- Old limerick 8/0.
TAG -- Silver twist and dark claret floss.
TAIL -- A topping with few strands of blue-red macaw.
BUTT -- Black herl.
BODY -- 1st half, gold embossed tinsel, ribbed by black floss with fine oval silver tinsel at both sides. 2nd half, black floss ribbed with gold embossed and double fine silver oval tinsels.
HACKLE -- Claret on the silk body.
THROAT -- Black and white speckled argus pheasant back feather.
WINGS -- Peacock pheasant tail feather with double green eyes. A topping over all.
CHEEKS -- Green metallic and dark green metallic small feather over.
FEELERS -- Red macaw.
Wing: ウイングの外側のラインがトッピングのラインと重なT
Feeler: レッド・マコウの短いものをトップに結ぶ。
Choose a topping with the same curve as the wing's and tie. Tie short red macaw fibre over all.
AuthorKen Sawada
DresserKen Sawada
SourceClassic Salmon Fly Dressing
Grand Prix

Grand Prix


HOOK -- Old limerick 8/0.
TAG -- Gold twist and yellow floss.
TAIL -- A topping with green swan and light green parrot strands.
BUTT -- Black herl.
BODY -- Divided into four. 1st, light green floss with gold tinsel, light green hackle at joint. 2nd, green quills with silver tinsel, green hackle at joint. 3rd, peacock green herl with gold oval rib, green parrot hackle at joint. 4th, green seal's fur with gold oval tinsel.
THROAT -- Green parrot.
WINGS -- Married stripes of florican bustard to make checkered flag.
SIDES -- Married strands of green parrot and guinea fowl quills. Topping over all.
CHEEKS -- Jungle cock.
FEELERS -- Amherst pheasant.
BODY : 4つのセクションに分けてから、グリーンのボディ用マテリアルを順次巻いて行く。ヘッドにかけてグリーンが次第に濃くなるようにカラー・グラデーションを作る。ハックルの色の変化もこれに習う。
Wing: フロリカン・バスタードの模様の単純で鮮明なものを選び、先端を交互にずらしてチェッカー模様を作って結ぶ。
Side: グリーン・パロットとギニア・フォールのファイバーをそれぞれ2本ずつマリーして結ぶ。
Feeler: アムハースト・フェザントの短いものをトップに結ぶ。
Divide the body into four parts and wind the materials for the body according to the following colour combination table to make the gradation in the body. Along to this gradation, change the colours of hackles, too. The wing employs florican bustard with simple markings. Coordinate the fibres to form a checkered flag and make the married wing. Tie short amherst pheasant over all.

BODY -- RIBS -- Joint
1st section green floss gold tinsel light green hackle
2nd section green quill silver tinsel greeen hackle
3rd section Peacock green herl gold oval green parrot hackle
4th section green seal's fur gold oval
AuthorKen Sawada
DresserKen Sawada
SourceClassic Salmon Fly Dressing
Indian Flash

Indian Flash


HOOK -- Old limerick 8/0.
TAG -- Gold twist and light blue floss.
TAIL -- A topping and scarlet swan.
BUTT -- Scarlet herl.
BODY -- 1st half, gold embossed tinsel, ribbed with scarlet floss with fine silver oval tinsel at both sides. 2nd half, scarlet floss ribbed with gold embossed and double silver fine oval tinsel.
HACKLE -- Light blue.
THROAT -- Scarlet ibis.
UNDER WINGS-- Blue and red macaw few strands each. same as the feeler.
WINGS -- Two pairs of scarlet ibis feathers. The second pair is about half of length of the first one. Long jungle cock inserted between them. A topping over all.
CHEEKS -- Jungle cock and blue chatterer.
FEELERS -- Two blue and two red macaw on both sides.
THROAT : スカーレット・アイビスでハックルを作るが、あまり厚くならないように巻く。
Wing: スカーレット・アイビスの形の良いものを選ぶ。
Cheek: ジャングル・コックとチャテラーはサイズの小さいものを使用する。
Feeler: セミサイドに1組、トップに1組のブルーとレッドのマコウを使用。
Don't make thicker the scarlet ibis at throat. Choose the shapely scarlet ibis in the wing. Use small sized jungle cock and chatterer at cheek. The feeler consists of a set of blue and red macaw fibres at a little to the side and the same two fibres on top.
AuthorKen Sawada
DresserKen Sawada
SourceClassic Salmon Fly Dressing



HOOK -- Old limerick 7/0.
TAG -- Gold twist and ruby floss.
TAIL -- Topping, red macaw fibres and teal.
BUTT -- Black herl.
BODY -- Two turns of black floss, remainder black seal's fur.
RIBS -- Bright orange floss and gold oval tinsel.
HACKLE -- Badger dyed scarlet.
THROAT -- Red claret followed by guinea fowl.
Under WINGS -- Married strips of dark speckled turkey and orange dyed swan.
WINGS -- Gradation married. From bottom to top, hot orange, scarlet and red claret. Mallard and topping.
CHEEKS -- Guinea fowl.
HORNS -- Amherst pheasant tail.
BODY : 黒のフロスを2回転巻いてから、黒のシールス・ファーを巻く。シールをよくピックアウトする。
Rib: ブライト・オレンジ・フロスをゴールド・オーバルのテール側に巻く。
Under Wing: ダーク・スペックルド・ターキーとオレンジに染めたスワンのファイバーをマリーして結ぶ。左クィル・右ウイングとする。
Wing: ホット・オレンジ、スカーレット、レッド・クラレットに染めたバスタードのファイバーでグラデーション・マリード・ウイングを作る。
Cheek: なるべく色の鮮やかなナチュラルのギニア・フォールを用いる。
Horn: アムハースト・フェザントの長めのものをトップから伸ばす。
Wind black seal's fur after winding black floss on the body. And pick the body out well. Wind the bright orange floss along with the tail side of the gold oval. Marry the fibres of dark speckled turkey and swan dyded orange and tie them as under sing. This wing employs the left quill a ll for right wing system. The main wing consists of dyed bustard fibres to make the colour gradation accoural one. Long amherst pheasant of horn is on top.
AuthorKen Sawada
DresserKen Sawada
SourceClassic Salmon Fly Dressing



HOOK -- Old limerick 8/0.
TAG -- Silver wire and ruby floss.
TAIL -- A topping with powder blue macaw and red macaw in strands.
BUTT -- Black herl.
BODY -- 1st half, gold embossed tinsel ribbed with silver oval tinsel, butted with black herl, veiled above and below with barred wood duck feather. 2nd half, scarlet floss ribbed with gold embossed and silver oval tinsel.
HACKLE -- Scarlet wound on front half only.
THROAT -- Tip of wood duck feather and small jungle cock over.
WINGS -- Gradation married strands of scarlet and dark red. Amherst pheasant tail thrown in and married. A topping over all.
CHEEKS -- Tip of wood duck and small jungle cock over, same as throat.
FEELERS -- Red macaw.
TAIL : トッピングと2色のマコウのファイバーを分離した状態で結ぶ。
Wing: グラデーション・マリード・ウイング。スカーレットとダークレットのファイバーで作ったグラデーションにアムハースト・フェザントのファイバーをちりばめる。
Horn: レッド・マコウをセミサイドから長く伸ばす。
The wing consists of the gradation of scarlet and dark claret set with fibres of amherst pheasant. Tie long red macaw at a little to the side for the feeler.
AuthorKen Sawada
DresserKen Sawada
SourceClassic Salmon Fly Dressing



HOOK -- Old limerick 8/0.
TAG -- Gold twist and dark claret floss.
TAIL -- Married narrow strips of brown spotted quill and black white speckled tail feathers of argus pheasant.
BODY -- Rear half dark red, front half black floss.
RIBS -- Medium gold oval tinsel.
HACKLE -- Brown spotted feather of argus pheasant from the wing.
THROAT -- Black and white speckled back feather of argus pheasant.
Under WINGS -- Black spotted brown wing quill of argus pheasant.
WINGS -- Speckled eye quills with a little bit of tail and leopard strips are thrown in and married.
Use various parts of the argus pheasant except for floss and tinsels.
AuthorKen Sawada
DresserKen Sawada
SourceClassic Salmon Fly Dressing



HOOK -- Old limerick 7/0.
TAG -- Gold twist, lilac and purple floss.
TAIL -- Topping and red parrot in strands.
BUTT -- Black herl.
BODY -- No.1, black floss silk ribbed with broad gold tinsel butted with black herl and veiled with small toppings above and below. No.2, black floss ribbed with broad gold tinsel and silver oval.
HACKLE -- Badger dyed dark blue.
THROAT -- Wood duck strips.
WINGS -- Two toppings as under wings. Over them mixed married sheath of lavender, argus pheasant and purple bustard. From bottom to top, lavender merging into purple to make gradation and throw the argus into this gradation. A topping over.
HORNS -- Red macaw.
HEAD -- Gold twist.
BODY : No.1: まずテール側の半分に、黒のフロスを巻き、その上から幅の広いゴールド・ティンセルでリブを作る。さらに小さなトッピングを用いて上下にベールを作り、黒のハールでバットを作る。No.2: 残りの半分に、黒のフロスを巻き、幅の広いゴールド・ティンセルとシルバー・オーバルでリブを作る。
THROAT : ウッド・ダックを巻かないで、結ぶ。
Wing: まず、2本のトッピングを使ってアンダー・ウイングを作る。ラベンダーとパープルに染めたバスタードのスライスを使って、ラベンダーからパープルに徐々に変わるグラデーションを作り、これにアーガスをちりばめてマリーして結ぶ。
Horn: レッド・マコウをセミサイドから長く伸ばす。
To make the body, the first, wind black floss on half the rear ribbed with broad gold tinsel, veiled with small toppings above and bellow, and butted with black herl. Also wind black floss on half the front ribbed with broad gold tinsel and silver oval. At throat tie wood duck, not wind it. Make under wing with two toppings. The main wing consists of bustard fibres dyed lavender and purple set with argus pheasant fibres according to the colour combination table. Tie red macaw at a little to the side to form the horn.
AuthorKen Sawada
DresserKen Sawada
SourceClassic Salmon Fly Dressing



HOOK -- Old limerick 8/0.
TAG -- Silver wire and pink floss.
TAIL -- A topping and few fibres of pinkish macaw.
BUTT -- Light blue herl.
BODY -- 1st, silver tinsel. 2nd, light blue floss.
RIBS -- Pink floss with fine oval silver at both sides.
HACKLE -- Light blue kingfisher feathers from the wing on the floss only.
THROAT -- Light pink flamingo.
WINGS -- 1st, a pair of light pink flamingo feathers back to back. 2nd, scarlet flamingo feathers covering two thirds of the former wing.
CHEEKS -- Large light blue chatterer with pink base.
FEELERS -- Pinkish macaw.
HACKLE : ウイングから取ったライトブルーのキングフィッシャーをフロスの上だけに巻く。THROAT -- : フラミンゴの柔らかい部分を2回転ほど巻く。
Rib: メタル・ボディにピンク・フロスでリブを作る。滑りやすいのでリブ模様の間隔を少し狭くすると良い。
Wing: 最初に長めのライトピンクのフラミンゴを結び、その2/3を覆うくらいのサイズのスカーレットのフラミンゴを結ぶ。
Feeler: レッド・マコウの色の極淡いものを使用。トップに短めに結ぶ。TAIL -- にも同じものが使われる。
At throat, wind a light flamingo feather by two turns. When make the rib, wind the pink floss with narrow spirals to prevent it from slipping on the body made of tinsel. The wing consists of long light pink flamingo and its 2/3 sized scarlet flamingo. Feeler's pinkish macaw means light coloured fibres of red macaw and is used at the tail, too. Tie the short pinkish macaw on top.
AuthorKen Sawada
DresserKen Sawada
SourceClassic Salmon Fly Dressing



HOOK -- Old limerick 8/0.
TAG -- Silver wire, purple and dark claret floss.
TAIL -- Two toppings dyed scarlet with few strands of ibis.
BUTT -- Black herl.
BODY -- Black floss.
RIBS -- Scarlet floss with fine oval tinsel at both sides.
HACKLE -- One side stripped black-green magpie tail.
THROAT -- A jungle cock and magpie again over this.
WINGS -- 6 pairs of feathers back to back. The sizes decrease towards the head. 1, 2, 4, 5 are made of purple-black feather from golden pheasant wing. 3rd and 6th are made of himalaya pheasant white spotted feather. A jungle cock inserted between 4th and 5th. Two scarlet dyed toppings over all.
FEELERS -- 4 strands of red macaw.
HACKLE : ブラック・グリーンのマグパイ・テール・フェザーの片側を取り去って巻く。マグパイに似たテールやクィルを代用してもよい。
Wing: 全部で6ペアの羽根を使って作る。1、2、4、5番目にはゴールデン・フェザント・ウイングのパープル・ブラック・フェザーを、また3、6番目にはホワイト・スポットのヒマラヤ・フェザントを使う。ヒマラヤ・フェザントの白いスポットを揃えるとよい。4番目と5番目の羽根の間にジャングル・コックを挟んで結ぶ。
Feeler: レッド・マコウのファイバーを、サイドに2本、トップに2本結ぶ。
Remove one-sided of black green magpie tail feather and tie it to form the hackle. Other quills and tails are in substitution for magpie. Four strands red macaw are tied two at side and other two on top.
AuthorKen Sawada
DresserKen Sawada
SourceClassic Salmon Fly Dressing



HOOK -- Old limerick 7/0.
TAG -- Silver twist and blue floss.
TAIL -- A topping and tips of blue jay feather back to back.
BUTT -- Black herl.
BODY -- Black floss.
RIBS -- Blue floss. One side with fine oval silver tinsel and the other with fine oval gold tinsel.
HACKLE -- Black.
THROAT -- Blue jay.
Under WINGS -- Double jungle cock.
WINGS -- Married wide strands of light blue and dark blue with amherst pheasant thrown in and married.
CHEEKS -- red spear feather of golden pheasant, blue chatterer over.
FEELERS -- Red macaw.
Rib: ブルー・フロスを巻き、そのテール側にシルバー、アイ側にゴールドのティンセルを巻く。
Under Wing: ジャングル・コックを2本ずらして結ぶ。
Wing: ライト・ブルーとダーク・ブルーのファイバーでグラデーションを作り、その中にアムハースト・フェザントをちりばめてマリーする。
Cheek: ゴールデン・フェザントのレッドスピアの小さくてあまり硬く尖っていな・M
Feeler: レッド・マコウをサイドから長く伸ばす。
To form the rib, wind fine oval silver along with the tail-side of the blue floss and fine oval gold along with the eye-side of the floss. The under wing is made of the short jungle cock on top of the long one. Marry light blue and dark blue fibres to make gradation thrown amherst pheasant into it. Use small (twice the size of chatterer) and not sharp-pointed red spear feather of golden pheasant at cheek. Tie long red macaw at a little to the side for the feeler.
AuthorKen Sawada
DresserKen Sawada
SourceClassic Salmon Fly Dressing



HOOK -- Old limerick 8/0.
TAG -- Silver twist and lilac floss.
TAIL -- A topping.
BUTT -- Dark blue ostrich herl.
BODY -- Black floss silk.
RIBS -- Broad silver embossed tinsel.
HACKLE -- Badger dyed dark blue.
THROAT -- Same as hackle.
WINGS -- A pair of blue macaw feather back to back. Three long jungle cocks on the macaw feather. Two or three large deep blue kingfisher feathers covering the roots of jungle cocks. Topping over all.
SIDES -- Peacock blue neck feather.
CHEEKS -- Purple chatterer and blue chatterer.
HORNS -- Blue yellow macaw.
HEAD -- Dark blue herl.
Wing: ブルー・マコウを結び、3本の大きなジャングル・コックを等間隔に配する。ジャングル・コックの根元を大型のキング・フィッシャーで隠す。
The wing consists of a pair of blue macaw feathers and three jungle cocks arranged at even intervals.
AuthorKen Sawada
DresserKen Sawada
SourceClassic Salmon Fly Dressing



HOOK -- Old limerick 8/0.
TAG -- Silver twist, blue and green floss.
TAIL -- A topping with some blue macaw fibres.
BUTT -- Black herl.
BODY -- Divided into three. 1st, green floss ribbed with silver oval tinsel. 2nd, many yellow-green small parrot feathers. 3rd, many dark green small parrot feathers.
THROAT -- Dark speckled argus pheasant back feathers.
WINGS -- Black and white speckled argus pheasant feathers back to back.
UPPER WINGS -- Mixed and married strands of speckled florican bustard, argus pheasant, dark red and claret swan. A topping over all.
CHEEKS -- Small blue parrot feathers with a little bit yellow base.
HORNS -- Two yellow macaw on both side and blue macaw on top.
UpperWing: グラーデーションを作らずに、細目のファイバーをマリーして結ぶ。
Horn: サイドにイエローを2本、トップにブルーを1本結ぶ。
The upper wing has no colour gradation.
AuthorKen Sawada
DresserKen Sawada
SourceClassic Salmon Fly Dressing



HOOK -- Old limerick 8/0.
TAG -- Silver wire and light green floss.
TAIL -- A topping, topping dyed scarlet, amherst pheasant tail.
BUTT -- Black herl.
BODY -- Gold flat tinsel.
RIBS -- Light green floss with fine gold oval tinsel at both sides.
THROAT -- Light green, yellow and gallena dyed claret over.
UNDER WINGS -- Two tippet feathers back to back.
WINGS -- Wide as much as possible and married altogether. Lower one third: mixed and married strands of green, lime swan and argus pheasant. Center one third: yellow, orange swan, argus and bustard. Upper one third: scarlet, dark red, claret swan and florican bustard.
CHEEKS -- Green tip black parrot feather.
FEELERS -- Amherst pheasant.
Under Wing: ティペットの黒いバーをバットに揃えて結ぶ。
Wing: 下側1/3にグリーン、真ん中をイエローとオレンジ、上側にスカーレットとダークレッドとクラレットを使い、このウイングの色の構成と対称的な配色をテールやボディ、ハックルにもってくる。
Feeler: アムハースト・フェザントの短いものをトップに結ぶ。
When tie the under wing, an inside black line of the tippet meets the butt of black herl. The main wing consists of green, yellow, orange, scarlet and dark red fibre in order. The arrangement of colours of this wing, tail, body and hackle are symmetrically. Tie a short amherst pheasant on top for the feeler.
AuthorKen Sawada
DresserKen Sawada
SourceClassic Salmon Fly Dressing



HOOK -- Old limerick 8/0.
TAG -- Gold twist and dark claret floss.
TAIL -- A topping.
BUTT -- Black herl.
BODY -- Gold embossed tinsel.
RIBS -- Purple floss with fine oval silver tinsel at both side.
HACKLE -- Badger dyed dark blue on the front half of the body.
THROAT -- Argus pheasant black and white feather.
WINGS -- A pair of long peacock pheasant eye feathers extending towards the tip of the tail. A pair of ocelated turkey feathers over. Topping over all.
SIDES -- Peacock blue neck feathers.
CHEEKS -- Small metallic blue green feather.
FEELERS -- Blue macaw.
THROAT : 白黒のアーガスを用いるが、スポッテッド・ギニアを代用してもよい。
Rib: ティンセル・ボディの上にパープル・フロスとオーバル・シルバーで、少々間隔を狭くしてリブ模様を
Wing: ピーコック・フェザント・アイ・フェザーをテールの先端に届くくらいに結び、その上にターキー・フェザーを結ぶ。ターキーの黒いバーとバットの位置が一致するようにする。
Spotted guinea is in substitution for argus pheasant black and white feather at throat. Make the rib on the body made of tinsel with small spirals. For the wing, tie peacock pheasant eye feather reaching the tip of the tail and also tie turkey feather setting its black line at the butt.
AuthorKen Sawada
DresserKen Sawada
SourceClassic Salmon Fly Dressing



HOOK -- Old limerick 8/0.
TAG -- Silver twist, yellow, silver twist, deep orange, silver twist and blue floss.
TAIL -- A topping with few strands of blue, yellow, red, green, powder blue macaw, light green parrot and ibis.
BUTT -- Black herl.
BODY -- Claret, blue, yellow, green and deep orange floss wound together to make each colour side by side.
THROAT -- Mixed with yellow and orange, jay hackle over.
WINGS -- Yellow-green macaw feather extended to the tip of the tail. A long jungle cock feather on the center of the macaw feather. A golden pheasant red body feather cover the butt of the wing and extended about the half length of the wing.
SIDES -- Mixed married strands of yellow and scarlet swan, gallena and powder blue macaw. Two toppings over all.
CHEEKS -- Small jungle cock.
FEELERS -- Red macaw.
BODY : 5色のフロスを用いる。巻き始めを滑らかにするように気を付ける。
Side: イエローとスカーレットのスワンを2本ずつ、これらの間にガレナを挟み、両サイドをマコウでカバーする。これを4組作ってマリーする。
Horn: レッド・マコウの短いものをトップに結ぶ。
At the start of winding five flosses on the body, make the surface smooth. To make the wide side, make 4 pairs of married strands of 2 gallena fibres between 2 fibres of yellow and scarlet swan with powder blue macaw at both sides and then marry them all. Tie short red macaw on top for the feeler.
AuthorKen Sawada
DresserKen Sawada
SourceClassic Salmon Fly Dressing



HOOK -- Old limerick 8/0.
TAG -- Silver wire and lavender floss.
TAIL -- A topping and blue gallena hackle fibres.
BUTT -- Purple herl.
BODY -- Silver tinsel.
RIBS -- Fine silver oval tinsel.
HACKLE -- Gallena blue elver hackle on from half of the body.
THROAT -- Blue black parakeeta feather under the body, then blue gallena hackle wound over.
WINGS -- A pair of large light purple feathers of penantrosella back to back, blue macaw feather over, then blue black parakeeta over. The size of wing feathers decrease towards the head. A topping over all.
CHEEKS -- Purple chatterer and blue chatterer over.
FEELERS -- Amherst pheasant.
Rib: あまり幅の広くないオーバルを用いる。
THROAT : ブルー・ブラックのパラキータをボディの下側に結び、その上からブルーのガレナのハックルを巻く。パラキータの角度とサイズは、ウイングに使われるパラキータと対称的になるようにする。
Wing: ライト・パープルのパロット、ブルー・マコウ、ブルー・ブラックのパラキータの順に結ぶ。ヘッドに向かって羽根のサイズを小さくし、色が次第に濃くなるように重ねて結ぶ。
Feeler: アムハースト・フェザントのあまり長くないものをトップに結ぶ。
At throat, tie blue black parakeeta underneath the body and wind blue gallena hackle over. The parakeeta feathers of the throat and the wing are tied symmetrically. And the wing consists light purple parrot, blue macaw and blue black parakeeta in order on top of one another. The sizes decrease and the colours become dark to the head. Tie short amherst pheasant on top for the feeler.
AuthorKen Sawada
DresserKen Sawada
SourceClassic Salmon Fly Dressing



HOOK -- Old limerick 7/0.
TAIL -- A topping with strands of light green parrot, amherst pheasant tail and ibis.
BUTT -- Black herl.
BODY -- From tail to head, equally divided, lemon floss, yellow, pea green, bright green and dark olive green seal's fur.
RIBS -- Gold and silver oval tinsels side by side.
HACKLE -- Olive.
THROAT -- Small toppings.
Under WINGS -- Slice of tippets and peacock green herls.
WINGS -- Gradation married sheath which made of light yellow, pea green and olive dyed bustard. Topping over all.
CHEEKS -- Married strands of amherst pheasant tail and green parrot.
HORNS -- Blue yellow macaw.
TAIL : マリーせずに結ぶ。
BODY : イエローからオリーブに変化するグラデーションを作る。
Under Wing: ティペットのスライスと、アイから取ったピーコックのグリーン・ハールを用いる。
Wing: ライト・イエローからグリーンに変化するグラデーションを作る。
Cheek: アムハースト・フェザントとグリーン・パロットを2本ずつマリーして重ね合わせて結ぶ。
Horn: ブルー・イエロー・マコウをセミサイドから長く伸ばす。
All fibres for the tail are not married. The colour gradation on the body is from yellow to olive. The gradation of the wing is from light yellow to green. Tie long blue yellow macaw fibre at a little to the side.
AuthorKen Sawada
DresserKen Sawada
SourceClassic Salmon Fly Dressing
Scarlet Tactics

Scarlet Tactics


HOOK -- Old limerick 8/0.
TAG -- Silver wire and scarlet floss.
TAIL -- A topping, strands of tippet, ibis, blue macaw and Indian crow.
BUTT -- Black herl.
BODY -- Silver embossed tinsel.
RIBS -- Gold oval tinsel doubled, scarlet floss between them.
HACKLE -- Purple.
THROAT -- Gallena dyed crimson.
WINGS -- Two pairs of scarlet dyed golden pheasant tippet back to back enveloping two pairs extending jungle cock.
Side WINGS -- Married strands of blue macaw, argus pheasant, lavender, claret, crimson dyed bustard, broad as possible.
CHEEKS -- Jungle cock. A topping over all.
HORNS -- Blue yellow macaw.
WINGS : ティペットを重ねるとき、内側の羽根の内側の黒いバーが外側の羽根の外側のバーにぴったり重なるようにし、レインジャー・スタイルの3本の黒いバーを作る。さらにこれらのバーの位置がバットやテールの黒い部分に一致するようにして結ぶ。
Side Wing: できるだけ幅の広いものを作る。まず、2本または3本のファイバーを用いたアーガス・フェザントのスライスを5−6組、またラベンダー、クラレット、クリムソンに染めたバスタードのファイバーを1−2本用いて各色ごとに2組ずつくらいのスライスを作る。これらのスライスのアーガスとバスタードを交互にマリーして組み合わせるが、各スライスの間にブルー・マコウのファイバーを1本ずつ入れる。マコウのブルーのラインが等間隔に並ぶように、スライスの幅を調整するとよい。
When put two pairs of tippets on top of each other to make the wing, set the inside black line of the inside tippet at the outside line of the outside one to form three black lines. Also set these lines at the butt and the black part of the tail and tie. Make the side wing as broad as possible using five or six slices made of two or three fibers of argus pheasant, two slices among one or two bustard fibres dyed lavender, claret, crimson. And marry each slices mutually putting blue macaw fibres one by one between every slices. Make the width of each slices to line the blue macaw fibres form at even intervals. When tie this broad side wing, divide it into two parts, tie the lower part, marry it with the upper, and then tie together.
AuthorKen Sawada
DresserKen Sawada
SourceClassic Salmon Fly Dressing
September Blue

September Blue


HOOK -- Old limerick 7/0.
TAG -- Silver twist, blue and claret floss.
TAIL -- A topping, strands of blue macaw, ibis and Indian crow.
BUTT -- Black herl.
BODY -- Gold embossed tinsel.
RIBS -- Medium silver oval.
HACKLE -- Light blue.
THROAT -- Bright orange followed by dark blue.
WINGS -- A pair of amherst pheasant tippet back to back for under wing, and above them gradation married wings made of light blue, lavender and dark blue from bottom to top.
SIDES -- Double jungle cock and blue chatterer.
HORNS -- Amherst pheasant tail.
Wing: アムハースト・フェザント・ティペットでアンダーウイングを作る。ティペットの黒いバーとバットの位置が一致するように結ぶ。この上にライト・ブルー、ラベンダー、ダーク・ブルーに染めたバスタード・ファイバーを使って作るグラデーション・マリード・ウイングを結ぶ。色の構成とファイバーの数は次の通り。

Light blue 3 2 1
Lavender 1 2 3 2 1
Dark blue 1 2 4

Horn: アムハースト・フェザント・テールをサイドから伸ばす。
The under wing is made of amherst pheasant tippet. Set the black line of the tippet at the butt. The main wing consists of the gradation from light blue, lavender to dark blue according to the following colour combination table. For the horn, tie amherst pheasant tail at a little to the side.
AuthorKen Sawada
DresserKen Sawada
SourceClassic Salmon Fly Dressing
Silver Tactics

Silver Tactics


HOOK -- Old limerick 8/0.
TAG -- Silver wire and lilac floss.
TAIL -- A topping, wood duck, red macaw and blue macaw.
BUTT -- Black herl.
BODY -- Silver embossed tinsel.
RIBS -- Double gold oval tinsel and scarlet floss between them.
HACKLE -- Red claret.
THROAT -- Gallena.
WINGS -- Two pairs of amherst pheasant tippet covering two pairs of extending jungle cock to make like a rager wing.
SIDES -- Married strands of blue macaw, claret, crimson, lavender dyed bustard and amherst pheasant tail. This side wing should be made as broad as possible.
CHEEKS -- Jungle cock. A topping over all.
HORNS -- Amherst pheasant tail.
Wing: アムハースト・フェザントのティペットを2ペア、よく形を整えて結ぶ。
Side: できるだけ幅の広いものを作る。クラレット、クリムソン、ラベンダーの順番を2度繰り返し、それぞれの色のファイバーの間にアムハースト・フェザント・テールのファイバーを挟み、ブルー・マコウのファイバーを各色のファイバーとアムハーストとの間に入れて全体をマリーして結ぶ。結ぶときは、2分割してから再びマリーすると、失敗しにくい。
Cheek: 小さいジャングル・コックを結ぶ。
Horn: アムハースト・フェザントの短いものをトップに結ぶ。
A variation of the Tactics series. The broad side wing consists of slices of claret, crimsonMrn.
AuthorKen Sawada
DresserKen Sawada
SourceClassic Salmon Fly Dressing



HOOK -- Old limerick 8/0.
TAG -- Silver wire and claret floss.
TAIL -- Topping, jungle cock and tip of jay feather.
BUTT -- Black herl.
BODY -- One third black floss, remainder black seal's fur.
RIBS -- Silver tinsel, purple floss, fine gold lace. The floss should be wound between two tinsels.
HACKLE -- Black from the second turn of the rib, then additional claret hackle from the third turn.
THROAT -- Guinea fowl.
WINGS -- Many strands of bustard are inserted and married as the gradation wing of which made of lavender and dark blue dyed bustard fibres. And a topping.
CHEEKS -- Wood duck and jungle cock.
HORNS -- Amherst pheasant tail.
BODY : ボディの1/3に黒のフロス、残りに黒のシールス・ファーを使う。よくピックアウトする。
Wing: ラベンダーとダーク・ブルーに染めたバスタードのファイバーを使ってグレデーション・マリード・ウイングを構成し、全体にスペックルド・バスタードのファイバーを1本ずつちりばめて、星空のような模様を際立たせる。ウイングの幅は広いほうがよい。
The body made of black floss and black seal's fur is well picked out. Make the gradation of colours from lavender to dark blue in the wing and put speckled bustard fibres one by one between every dyed bustard fibres to make its markings conspicuous like the starry heavens. Make this married wing as broad as possible.
AuthorKen Sawada
DresserKen Sawada
SourceClassic Salmon Fly Dressing



HOOK -- Old limerick 7/0.
TAG -- Gold twist and gold tinsel.
TAIL -- A topping and dhatterer feathers.
BODY -- No.1, three fifth of the body, divided into three joints, yellow, orange and hot orange floss. From each joint tie a small topping like a tail, decreasing in size to the head. And blue chatterer veiled above and below. No.2, remainder two fifth, bright orange seal's fur ribbed with gold oval tinsel.
HACKLE -- Bright orange and yellow wound on seal's fur.
THROAT -- Small toppings with blue gallena hackle over.
WINGS -- Gradation married sheath which made of yellow, bright orange and dark orange dyed bustard. A topping over all.
SIDES -- Blue gallena feather.
HORNS -- Blue yellow macaw.
BODY : No.1: まずボディの3/5を作る。3つのセクションに分けて順にイエロー、オレンジ、ホットオレンジのフロスを巻く。それぞれのジョイントに小さなトッピングをテールのようにして結ぶが、ヘッドに向かうにつれて徐々にサイズの小さいものを用いる。さらにブルー・チャテラーを各ジョイントの上下に結ぶ。No.2: 残りの2/5には明るいオレンジのシールス・ファーを巻き、ゴールドのオーバルでリブを作る。
Wing: イエロー、ブライト・オレンジ、ダーク・オレンジに染めたバスタードのファイバーを使ってグラデーション・マリード・ウイングを作る。
Horn: 長めのブルー・イエロー・マコウをセミサイドから伸ばす。
Make the gradation of colours from yellow to hot orange by dyed bustard fibres according to the following colour combination table. Tie long blue yellow macaw at a little to the side to form the horn.
AuthorKen Sawada
DresserKen Sawada
SourceClassic Salmon Fly Dressing
Trade Winds

Trade Winds


HOOK -- Old limerick 8/0.
TAG -- Gold twist, blue and yellow floss.
TAIL -- A topping with some strands of red macaw.
BUTT -- Dark blue herl.
BODY -- Yellow floss.
RIBS -- Medium silver oval and dark blue floss towards the head.
HACKLE -- Green tip red feather from macaw wing.シ One side strip.
WINGS -- Blue and yellow macaw feather.
SIDES -- Married mixed strands of yellow, claret, purple, red, green, orange, blue lavender swan, bustard and argus pheasant. This side wing should be made as big as possible.
HORNS -- Red macaw.
HACKLE : マコウやパロットによく見られるブルー・グリーンのティップを持ったレッド・クィルを使う。片側の色のない部分を取り去ってから巻く。
Side: クラレット、パープル、イエロー、バスタード、レッド、グリーン、オレンジ、ブルー、アーガス、ラベンダーの順にファイバーを並べる。ファイバーはすべて2本ずつ用いる。このミックスト・マリード・シースを3組作って結んでからマリーする。
Horn: レッド・マコウの短いものをトップに結ぶ。
Use red quill with blue green tip among macaw or parrot feathers for the hackle. Remove oneside of fibres and wind it. The broad side wing consists of three slices made of every 2 fibres of claret, purple, yellow, bustard, red, green, orange, blue argus and lavender in order. Tie these three slices and then marry them. Tie short red macaw on top to form the horn.
AuthorKen Sawada
DresserKen Sawada
SourceClassic Salmon Fly Dressing
Treasure of Indies

Treasure of Indies


HOOK -- Old limerick 7/0.
TAG -- Silver twist and purple floss.
TAIL -- A topping and a chatterer.
BUTT -- Dark blue herl.
BODY -- Two turns of pink floss, light blue and purple seal's fur equally divided.
RIBS -- Silver and gold oval tinsel side by side.
HACKLE -- Blue wound from the pink floss.
THROAT -- Guinea fowl dyed crimson.
Under WINGS -- Green peacock herl mixed with red macaw and blue macaw strands.
WINGS -- Gradation married wings made of lilac, lavender and purple dyed bustard. A golden pheasant topping and amherst pheasant topping over.
SIDES -- Jungle cock dyed scarlet.
CHEEKS -- Blue peacock breast feather and scarlet jungle cock.
BODY : まず、ピンク・フロスを2回転ほど巻き、残りの部分を2分割してライト・ブルー、パープルの順にシールス・ファーを巻く。シールをよくピックアウトする。
Under Wing: ピーコック・ハール、レッド・マコウ、ブルー・マコウのファイバーを1本ずつバラバラにし、よく混ぜてから結ぶ。ハールはアイからとったものがよい。
Wing: ライラック、ラベンダー、パープルのファイバーを使って、グラデーション・マリード・ウイングを作る。トッピングの上から、アムハーストのトッピングをさらに1本重ね、ティップの上くらいまで伸ばす。
Cheek: ピーコックをウイングの上だけでなく、サイド全体をカバーするように結ぶ。
To make the body, wind pink floss by two turns and divide the other part into two to wind light blue and purple seal's fur in order. Pick the seals out well. The under wing is formed by mixed strands of peacock herl from eye feather, red macaw and blue macaw. Make the gradation of colours from lilac, lavender to purple in the wing. The length of amherst pheasant topping over golden pheasant topping reaches just above the tag. Tie blue peacock breast feather covering the sides all over.
AuthorKen Sawada
DresserKen Sawada
SourceClassic Salmon Fly Dressing



HOOK -- Old limerick 8/0.
TAG -- Silver twist and yellow floss.
TAIL -- A topping with narrow strips of red macaw, dark blue, gallena.
BUTT -- Black herl.
BODY -- Divided into 4 joints. Scarlet, light blue, claret and dark blue floss. At each joint, there are joint hackles of same colours of the divided body.
RIBS -- Fine silver oval on the 1st and the 3rd joint. Gold on the 2nd and the 4th.
THROAT -- Badger dyed dark blue.
Main or BODY -- WINGS -- 4 joints have 4 small body wings whose colours are as same as each joint. The sizes increase towards the eye. These body wings are made of married fibres of swan and blue macaw. 4 good size toppings over all.
CHEEKS -- Small blue chatterer.
FEELERS -- Married strands of blue macaw and red macaw.
BODY : 4つのジョイントにそれぞれ同じ色のハックルを結ぶが、厚くならないように注意する。
Mane or BODY Wing: ボディの4つのジョイントに4つの小さいボディ・ウイングを結ぶ。それぞれの大きさは、テール側からヘッド側にかけて順次大きくなるように、またウイングの外側のラインがトッピングの内側のラインに一致するように調整する。ボディをすっきり見せるために、スレッドを巻き過ぎないように注意する。
Feeler: ブルーとレッドのマコウをマリーして結ぶ。
Wind four joint hackles not thickly as possible. Tie four small body wings at each joint. The sizes increase to the head in order. The curve made of these body wings are arranged as same as inside line of topping. Don't wind the thread too much to make the body slender. To form the feeler, marry blue and red macaw and tie.
AuthorKen Sawada
DresserKen Sawada
SourceClassic Salmon Fly Dressing
Tropical Night

Tropical Night


HOOK -- Old limerick 7/0.
TAG -- Gold twist and purple floss.
TAIL -- A topping, strands of blue kingfisher wing quills, and small chatterer.
BUTT -- Black herl.
BODY -- Divided into three. No.1, light blue floss. No.2, dark blue floss. Each joint butted with black herl and veiled with kingfisher quills above and below.
RIBS -- No.1 and No.2, narrow gold tinsel. No.3, gold oval.
THROAT -- Badger dyed dark blue.
WINGS -- Gradation married wings made of light blue, lavender, purple and dark blue, from bottom to top. Two toppings over all.
CHEEKS -- Double kingfisher feathers.
HORNS -- Blue yellow macaw.
BODY : ボディを3分割して、第1のセクションにライト・ブルー・フロスを巻き、第2と第3のセクションにダーク・ブルー・フロスを巻く。それぞれのジョイントにブラック・ハールでバットを作り、キングフィッシャーのクィルを上下に結んでベールを作る。
Wing: グラデーション・マリード・ウイング。
Horn: ブルー・イエロー・マコウの長めのものをセミサイドから伸ばす。
Make the gradation of colours from light blue to dark blue in the wing according to the colour combination table as follows. For the horn, tie long blue yellow macaw at a little to the side.
AuthorKen Sawada
DresserKen Sawada
SourceClassic Salmon Fly Dressing
Unmarried Angel

Unmarried Angel


HOOK -- Old limerick 8/0.
TAG -- Silver wire, yellow and lilac floss.
TAIL -- A topping, mixed strips of yellow macaw, blue macaw and pea-green parrot.
BUTT -- Pale blue ostrich herl.
BODY -- Rear half, yellow floss ribbed with vender floss covering by fine oval tinsel at both sides. And butted with pale blue herl, veiled with toucan feathers above and below. Front half, lavender floss silk ribbed with broader orange floss covering by silver oval tinsel as same as the rear.
THROAT -- Dyed light blue heron followed by some small toppings.
WINGS -- 6 toppings. Single strand of blue macaw, red macaw, amherst pheasant tail and two strands of bustard dyed lilac are inserted between each topping.
CHEEKS -- Blue chatterer.
FEELERS -- Red macaw.
THROAT : ブルーに染めたヘロン・ハックルを巻き、その上から数本の小さなトッピングで結び目をカバーする。
Wing: 6本のトッピングの短いものから順に積み重ねる。6本はフックが8/0の場合。ブルー・マコウ、レッド・マコウ、アムハースト・フェザントを各1本ずつとダイド・バッスタード2本とをマリーして、トッピングとトッピングの間に挟み込む。
Feeler: レッド・マコウの短いものを結ぶ
Wind heron hackle dyed blue at throat and tie several small toppings to cover the root of the heron. To make the wing, use 6 toppings here for the hook sized 8/0. Tie short red macaw on top to form the feeler.
AuthorKen Sawada
DresserKen Sawada
SourceClassic Salmon Fly Dressing


ファラオ OP 43.

HOOK -- Old Limerick 9/0
TAG -- Fine silver round tinsel; dark blue and lilac floss.
TAIL -- A topping; married strands of dark blue, light blue and lavender goose. Single blue macaw fibres are inserted between every strands. A strip of purple edge gallena quill at side.
SECOND TAIL -- Same tail except married fibres from the second butt.
BUTT -- Dark blue herl.
BODY -- 1st quarter, dark blue floss butted with dark blue herl, ribbed with fine silver oval and pale blue floss. Remainder dark blue floss ribbed with lilac and ruby floss, fine silver lace at both side.
HACKLE -- From the second butt, dark blue, then light blue, hot orange.
THROAT -- Guinea fowl dyed scarlet.
WINGS -- Lower half, lilac and lavender strands; upper half, light blue. Many dark blue stripes are inserted from bottom to top.
SIDES -- Made of gradation married strands. From bottom to top; light orange, hot orange, scarlet, crimson and purple.
SECOND SIDES -- About half size of the 1st one. Same gradation married strands; yellow, orange and hot orange.
CHEEKS -- Two blue neck lorikeet scarlet feather with black bar. A topping over all.
HORNS -- Red macaw.
AuthorKen Sawada
DresserKen Sawada
SourceClassic Salmon Fly Dressing


水の妖精 OP 44.

HOOK -- Old limerick 9/0.
TAG -- Fine silver round tinsel and pale blue floss.
TAIL -- A topping with a slice of pale blue tail feather of beautiful rosella.
BUTT -- Pale blue fibres from kingfisher wing quill.
BODY -- Divided into 4 joints made of light blue, medium blue , dark blue and purple floss. Every joint have a tip made of three turns of silver round tinsel.
2nd TAIL & BUTT -- Same as the first ones.
3rd TAIL -- Same as the first one.
3rd & 4th BUTT -- Lavender fibres from the tail feather of beautiful rosella.
THROAT -- Vulturine guinea fowl blue neck and spotted hackle over.
WINGS -- Made of gradation married strands. From bottom to top, lilac, lavender, light blue and purple. Many white strips are inserted.
SIDES -- Vulturine guinea fowl blue neck feather.
CHEEKS -- Blue chatterrer and pale blue chatterrer.
HORNS -- Amherst pheasant tail.
AuthorKen Sawada
DresserKen Sawada
SourceClassic Salmon Fly Dressing


雪豹 OP 45.

HOOK -- Old limerick 9/0.
TAG -- Fine silver round, white floss, silver again and lilac floss.
TAIL -- Two toppings and a slice of amherst pheasant tail. White spotted partridge feather at roots.
BUTT -- Black herl.
BODY -- Made of three joints; lilac, purple and dark blue floss. Every joints have a pair of white spotted partridge feather above and below and butted with black herl.
RIBS -- Fine silver and gold oval tinsel side by side.
THROAT -- Black and white bustard neck hackle.
WINGS -- Married many fine strands of white feather and amherst pheasant tail.
CHEEKS -- Dark blue kingfisher feather, jungle cock and white spotted partridge feather. Two toppings over all.
HORNS -- Amherst pheasant.
AuthorKen Sawada
DresserKen Sawada
SourceClassic Salmon Fly Dressing


ネプチューンOP 46.

HOOK -- Old limerick 9/0.
TAG -- Silver round tinsel, black, dark blue and light blue floss.
TAIL -- A topping with two small metallic pheasant feather and a small jungle cock.
BUTT -- Black herl.
BODY -- Black floss.
RIBS -- Dark blue and light blue floss between silver lace.
HACKLE -- Black from second turn, dark blue from fourth turn.
THROAT -- Blue jay.
WINGS -- A pair of metallic pheasant round feather with a long jungle cock, then spear shaped same feather with a jungle cock three fourth of the former feather.
SIDES -- A pair of blue jay feather.
CHEEKS -- Small metalic pheasant feather and a jungle cock. A topping over all.
HORNS -- Blue macaw.
AuthorKen Sawada
DresserKen Sawada
SourceClassic Salmon Fly Dressing


焔の星 OP 47.

HOOK -- Old limerick 9/0.
TAG -- Gold round , scarlet and silver oval tinsel.
TAIL -- Two toppings dyed scarlet, purple edge gallena quill and a blue neck lorikeet blue tip feather.
BUTT -- . Black herl.
BODY -- Made of floss silk, start with lavender then lilac, ruby, light claret, scarlet, dark red, crimson and dark claret.
HACKLE -- A pair of blue elver hackle back to back above and below the body tied by ribbing tinsel.
RIBS -- Silver oval tinsel.
THROAT -- Vulturine gallena blue neck.
WINGS -- Five toppings dyed scarlet. Narrow strips of lavender quill between each toppings.
CHEEKS -- White spotted blue gallena hackle.
HORNS -- Red macaw tied downwards to cover the hackles.
AuthorKen Sawada
DresserKen Sawada
SourceClassic Salmon Fly Dressing
The light of red and blue

The light of red and blue

青と赤の光のある風景. OP 48.

HOOK -- Old limerick 9/0.
TAG -- Fine silver round, blue floss, finシGMMe gold round and purple floss.
TAIL -- Two toppings, scarlet and blue macaw strips.
BUTT -- Dark blue herl.
BODY -- 1st half; purple floss butted with dark blue herl. 2nd half; gold embossed tinsel.
RIBS -- Silver and gold oval tinsel side by side on the floss. Purple floss with silver oval tinsel both side of it on the tinsel body.
THROAT -- Four toppings.
WINGS -- Bottom half; light blue with many dark blue strips. Upper half; lavender with many purple strips and married altogether.
SIDES -- Married narrow strips of scarlet and dark blue. Single strand of blue macaw feathers are inserted with every strips.
CHEEKS -- Blue chatterrer with a small jungle cock. A topping over all.
HORNS -- Two short toppings tied symmetrically to the throat.
AuthorKen Sawada
DresserKen Sawada
SourceClassic Salmon Fly Dressing
Continual Change

Continual Change

花鳥魚風月. OP 49.

HOOK -- Old limerick 9/0.
TAG -- Fine silver round tinsel, purple and light claret floss.
TAIL -- A topping, purple edge gallena quill and small slice of amazon parrot blue green quill.
TAG -- Black herl.
BODY -- Black floss.
RIBS -- Purple floss with silver oval tinsel at each side.
HACKLE -- From amazon parrot dark blue quill.
THROAT -- Amazon parrot green wing quill.
WINGS -- Married with two strands of argus pheasant and two strands of florican bustard. Single strand of dark blue quill are inserted in every strands of former feathers.
CHEEKS -- Married with two strands of green parrot and two strands of purple edge gallena quill.
EYES -- Small green metallic feather.
HORNS -- Blue macaw.
AuthorKen Sawada
DresserKen Sawada
SourceClassic Salmon Fly Dressing
Moon and Stars

Moon and Stars

92個の星と剣の月. OP 50.

HOOK -- Old limerick 8/0.
TAG -- Silver wire, purple floss, silver round tinsel and reddish purple floss.
TAIL -- Lower half; lavender and gallena quill. Upper half; purple and gallena quill. All two strands each and married altogether.
BUTT -- Dark blue herl.
BODY -- Three turns of purple, remainder black floss.
RIBS -- Purple floss with fine silver lace at each side.
HACKLE -- Dark blue.
THROAT -- From peacock pheasant speckled tail feather.
WINGS -- Two strands of blue macaw, one strand of black and white bustard and purple quill. Married altogether to form as under wing; Married with fine strands of argus pheasant tail and dark blue quill to from upper wing.
SIDES -- Married with single strand of blue macaw , two strands each of yellow and black goose.
HORNS -- Blue macaw.
AuthorKen Sawada
DresserKen Sawada
SourceClassic Salmon Fly Dressing
Black Pearl

Black Pearl

月夜の真珠 OP 51.

HOOK -- Old limerick 9/0.
TAG -- Fine silver round tinsel, a little bit of scarlet floss and purple floss.
TAIL -- A topping with a small slice of gallena hackle dyed claret.
BUTT -- Black herl.
BODY -- Purple floss and divided into three joints; 1st joint, ribbed with yellow floss with silver oval tinsel at both side, butted with black herl and veiled above and below with short topping. 2nd joint, ribbed with orange floss with silver oval tinsel at both side, and orange hackle. 3rd joint, ribbed with scarlet floss with same tinsel at both side, and scarlet hackle.
THROAT -- Two short peacock pheasant feather and long slice of green roots quill from peacock pheasant tail feather to cover the hackles and extend close to the hook point.
WINGS -- A pair of peacock pheasant double eye tail feather back to back.
SIDES -- Five peacock pheasant feathers.
TOPPING -- Green roots slice same as throat, to cover the upper edge of the wing.
AuthorKen Sawada
DresserKen Sawada
SourceClassic Salmon Fly Dressing
Scaled Fantasy

Scaled Fantasy

天使の鱗 OP 52.

HOOK -- Old limerick 8/0.
TAG -- Silver round tinsel, light blue floss, silver again and lilac floss.
TAIL -- Three toppings. Blue macaw and powder blue macaw slices inserted between toppings.
BUTT -- Light blue herl.
BODY -- Silver embossed tinsel.
RIBS -- Light blue and lilac floss side by side, with gold oval tinsel at both side.
HACKLE -- Pale blue feather form beautiful rosella tail.
THROAT -- Three toppings. Narrow strips of blue and purple feather tied between toppings.
WINGS -- Made of six toppings. Between each toppings, insert narrow married slices made of light blue and lavender close to the body, and purple and dark blue slices put into upper part of the wing.
CHEEKS -- Fairy blue bird and a chatterrer.
HORNS -- Blue macaw.
AuthorKen Sawada
DresserKen Sawada
SourceClassic Salmon Fly Dressing
Percussive Illusion

Percussive Illusion

衝撃の余韻 OP 53.

HOOK -- Old limerick 9/0.
TAG -- Gold round tinsel, scarlet and dark blue floss.
TAIL -- A topping with married strands of scarlet and claret swan and blue macaw. A short slice of purple edge gallena quill.
BUTT -- Dark bl
BODY -- 1st one third; ruby floss ribbed with fine gold oval tinsel and light blue floss side by side and butted with dark blue herl. Small topping and smaller slice of purple edge gallena quill tied from the second butt as a second tail. The rest of the body is made of ruby floss, ribbed with lilac and lavender floss with fine gold lace at both side of the floss.
HACKLE -- Red claret on the front two third of the body.
THROAT -- Blue with black hackle of vulturine gallena.
WINGS -- Lower half; married with narrow strips of dark claret and scarlet. Upper half; same as lower half but made of purple and crimson.
SIDES -- Gradation married strands. From bottom to top, lavender, purple and dark blue.
CHEEKS -- About half size of the side, similar gradation from lilac, light blue and lavender.
EYES -- Blue chatterrer. A topping over all.
HORNS -- Blue macaw.
AuthorKen Sawada
DresserKen Sawada
SourceClassic Salmon Fly Dressing
Shower of Stars

Shower of Stars

星降る夜 OP 54.

HOOK -- Old limerick 9/0.
TAG -- Silver round tinsel, light claret and purple floss.
TAIL -- A topping and a married slice of purple edge gallena and blue macaw.
BUTT -- Dark blue herl.
BODY -- 1st half; silver embossed tinsel, 2nd half; purple floss.
RIBS -- Ruby floss with silver oval tinsel at both side of the floss.
HACKLE -- Blue elver hackle on the floss body.
THROAT -- Purple edge gallena.
WINGS -- Many married two strands of white tip speckled florican bustard and single strand of purple feather. Narrow strips of light claret and purple feather on the top of the wing.
CHEEKS -- Many married two strands of blue macaw and purple edge gallena.
EYES -- Purple and blue chatterrer.
HORNS -- Blue macaw.
AuthorKen Sawada
DresserKen Sawada
SourceClassic Salmon Fly Dressing
Germinating Period

Germinating Period

発芽期 OP 55.

HOOK -- Old limerick 9/0.
TAG -- Gold round tinsel, light green floss, gold again and dark green floss.
TAIL -- A topping with narrow married slice of blue macaw, yellow and purple swan, and gallena tail.
BUTT -- Black herl.
BODY -- 1st one third; light green, remainder dark green floss.
RIBS -- Purple floss with fine gold oval tinsel at both side of it.
HACKLE -- Muller's parrot tail feather having light green tip and green base.
WINGS -- Lower half; Married strands made of each one strand of yellow and purple feather, two strands of argus pheasant. Upper half; each one strand of purple and green feather, two strands of argus feather.
CHEEKS -- Married many each two strands of light green parrot and gallena tail.
EYES -- Small green metallic feather.
HORNS -- Blue macaw.
AuthorKen Sawada
DresserKen Sawada
SourceClassic Salmon Fly Dressing
Nearest to Victory

Nearest to Victory

爆発の予感 OP 56.

HOOK -- Old limerick 9/0.
TAG -- Gold round tinsel and dark blue floss.
TAIL -- A topping.
BUTT -- Black herl.
BODY -- Black floss.
RIBS -- Gold oval tinsel, dark blue floss, gold oval, yellow floss and gold oval tinsel side by side.
HACKLE -- Yellow.
THROAT -- Green parrot quill.
WINGS -- Dark blue impeyan pheasant feather, yellow macaw inside wing feather smaller in size, then impeyan pheasant again smaller in size.
SIDES -- Made of many narrow strands of yellow and black swan and blue macaw. Married in one.
EYES -- Jungle cock. A topping over all.
HORNS -- Green parrot, short in size.
AuthorKen Sawada
DresserKen Sawada
SourceClassic Salmon Fly Dressing
Calor del Sol

Calor del Sol

陽炎 OP 57.

HOOK -- Old limerick 9/0.
TAG -- Gold round tinsel, ruby floss, gold again and light claret floss.
TAIL -- A topping and married strands of claret dyed peacock wing with blue macaw.
TAG -- Scarlet herl.
BODY -- Purple floss.
RIBS -- Scarlet floss with gold oval tinsel at both side.
HACKLE -- Beautiful rosella blue tail.
THROAT -- Reddish pink fibres from flamingo upper wing cover.
WINGS -- Made of many fine married strands. Lower half; lavender, scarlet, green, yellow, claret, florican and argus pheasant. Upper half; lavender, purple, dark blue, argus and florican bustard.
CHEEKS -- Two short toppings dyed scarlet. A topping over all.
HORNS -- Red macaw.
AuthorKen Sawada
DresserKen Sawada
SourceClassic Salmon Fly Dressing
Solar Wind

Solar Wind


HOOK -- Old Limerick 9/0.
TAG -- Fine gold round tinsel, dark claret floss,gold round again and dark red floss.
TAIL -- A long topping with married strands of light and dark red macaw.
BUTT -- Dark claret herl.
BODY -- Gold embossed tinsel.
RIBS -- Black floss with fine red oval tinsel at both sides.
THROAT -- Same as wing, except purple fibres.
WINGS -- 6 toppings. Narrow strands of dyed swan or bustard between each toppings.
SIDES -- Scarlet hackle from parrot, double jungle cock over.
HORNS --Red macaw.
The wings and the throat are tied symmetrically in their shapes and coloours. Make colour gradiation with quills among toppings in the wing.
AuthorKen Sawada
DresserKen Sawada
SourceClassic Salmon Fly Dressing



HOOK -- Old Limerick 9/0.
TAG -- Gold round tinsel, scarlet floss, tinsel again, yellow floss.
TAIL -- Two long toppings and yellow macaw in strands.
BUTT -- Red herl.
BODY -- Yellow floss.
RIBS -- Red floss, fine gold oval tinsel at both sides.
WINGS -- Make colour gradiation in the wings. From bottom to top, made of yellow, hot orange, scarlet and dark red.
THROAT -- Same as the wings but smaller in size tied as lower wings.
CHEEKS -- Small double jungle cock aboveand below. Topping and red macaw feelers are tid above and below symmetricaly.
The wings and the others are formed symmetrically as same as No.518. Convergence.
AuthorKen Sawada
DresserKen Sawada
SourceClassic Salmon Fly Dressing



HOOK -- Old Limerick 9/0.
TAG -- Silver round tinsel, Purple floss, Gold round tinsel, light blue floss.
TAIL -- Two long toppings and small powder blue macaw fibres.
BUTT -- Dark blue herl.
BODY -- Light blue floss.
RIBS -- Purple floss with file silver oval tinsel at both sides.
WINGS -- Colour gradiation in the married wings. From bottom to top, made of light blue, lavender, purple and dark blue.
THROAT -- Same as the wings but smaller in size tied as lower wings.
CHEEKS -- Small double jungle cock aboveand below. Topping and blue macaw feelers are tied above and below symmetricaly.
AuthorKen Sawada
DresserKen Sawada
SourceClassic Salmon Fly Dressing



HOOK -- Old Limerick 8/0.
TAG -- Gold round tinsel, lighe blue floss, tinsel again, medium blue floss.
TAIL -- Two long toppings with small married fibres of argus side tail and blue macaw.
BUTT -- Dark blue and black herl.
BODY -- Dark blue floss.
RIBS -- Black floss with fine gold oval tinsel at both sides.
UNDER WINGS -- Put many two strands of blue macaw between every two strands of peacock wing dyed light claret, and marry them.
WINGS -- Put many single strand of blue macaw between every two strands of argus side tail, and marry them.
THROAT -- Same as the upper wings but marry them all together.
TOPPING -- Scarlet dyed crest feather covers wings and throat symmetrically.
CHEEKS -- Jungle cock covered by small scarlet crest feather on the wing and throat.
HORNS -- Red macaw.
Use the same materials for the tail as the wings. Use two macaw fibres each in the under wing, but one fibre each in the main wings. Tie the main wings covering the under wings. Marry the fibres at the throat and then tie.
AuthorKen Sawada
DresserKen Sawada
SourceClassic Salmon Fly Dressing



HOOK -- Old Limerick 9/0.
TAG -- Silver round tinsel, black floss, silver again and dark blue floss.
TAIL -- Two scarlet dyed toppings, scarlet dyed bustard hackle fibres and peacock blue neck in strands.
BUTT -- Black herl.
BODY -- Made of silk floss. Start from blue, then merging into purple, dark claret,, claret, crimson and scarlet.
RIBS -- fine gold oval tinsel.
MANE -- Stropped blue jay feathers above and below, tied down by ribbing tinsel.
WINGS -- Made of six toppings dyed scarlet. Put narrow strands of dark blue swan or bustard between every topping.
THROAT -- Scarlet dyed bustard hackle tied long.
CHEEKS -- Small green metaric feathers on the peacock bllue neck feathers.
HORNS -- Amherst pheasant tail dyed scarlet.
Use blue jay feathers taken from the primary wings in the mane. Hold them bove and below the body symmetrically. Wind the gold oval to fix the jay feathers. Select long fibre bustard hackle and tie.
AuthorKen Sawada
DresserKen Sawada
SourceClassic Salmon Fly Dressing